Cancellation Policy
At Republic Fitness LTD, we understand that sometimes you may need to cancel an order. We want to make the cancellation process as easy as possible for you. Please read our cancellation policy carefully before placing an order.
While your order is in authorization mode you can cancel for any reason and for free and we shall void the transaction and return the deposit back to you.
To do so simply click on cancel order from within the “My Orders” section in our site or send us an email with a cancellation request .
Cancellation Window:
You may cancel your order within 24 hours of placing it. If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us immediately a or +44 7480 657185. If your order has already been shipped, it cannot be cancelled.
Cancellation Process:
To cancel your order, please contact us at or +44 7480 657185. Please provide your order number and the reason for cancellation. We will process your cancellation request as soon as possible.